Tweet LESSA petition Current Act now to save the West Barnes LESSA sports field! Your details Leave this field blank In July we successfully protected the LESSA sports field from being converted into hundreds of dwellings and parking spaces unsuited to the site. The developer, Bellway, have now resubmitted their proposals to the Council with a few minor adjustments. We have reviewed the plans and they are unacceptable as they would still see the community lose this historic sporting facility, worsen traffic on Grand Drive, and potentially increase the risk of flooding to our area. Once again, we need your help to protect this community sports field. The new plans will most likely be taken to the planning committee in September, and the application is open for public comments. We need you to object to the planning application. You can do this by signing our petition below AND by writing to the Planning Department, quoting the planning reference number 22/P2351, and setting out the reasons why you object. The email address for the planning department is, or you can write to: Planning Applications, Merton Council, Civic Centre. Morden, London, SM4 5DX. Please ensure you include your name and address with the objection. Please keep us updated with what you plan to do by emailing and also contact us if you have any other concerns regarding this issue. I wish to add my name to this petition.