Small Business Saturday

Small businesses are critical to future growth. From the shops that provide life’s essentials, to the inventors who change the way we think about the world, we have so much to thank our small businesses for. Today, we are out listening to local businesses and residents. Please complete our survey and tell us what you think about our local shopping areas.

Small Business Saturday Survey

  • Current High Street Survey
  • Local Issues
  • Get involved
  • Your details
  • End
1.1 Where do you usually go to shop?
1.2 How do you travel to your usual shopping destination?
1.3 In the area where you usually shop, do you feel that small businesses have been properly supported over the last 4 years?
1.4 What do you think your usual shopping destination would benefit most from?
1.6 Which of the following options do you think would help increase footfall?